
Posts Tagged ‘Monuments in Havana’

Plaza de Armas Havana Cuba

These days the Plaza de Armas is the main touristic square of Havana. The origin of its name is derived from its previous military use, since from the end of the 16th century most military ceremonies and the events took place at the square.

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San Cristobal Cathedral Havana Cuba

Catedral de San Cristóbal is by far the most prominent building on the Plaza de la Catedral. The Cathedral was built over the chapel after 1748 under instructions from the bishop of Salamanca Spain, Jose Felipe de Trespalacios. Considered by many as one of the most beautiful and sober churches of the American baroque period.

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Castillo de la Real Fuerza Havana Cuba

Castillo de la Real Fuerza, The fortress or also know as a “lit” Castle of the Royal Army is favorite tourist attraction and big monument that closes the Plaza de las Armas. It was the first large fortification of the city, initiated in 1558 on the ruins of an ancient fortress. In the same year, the Crown sent […]

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